Writings of the Old and Fashioned

In my generation, the classic, old-fashioned, handwritten letters to your lover, or any one really, is dying.  A message doesn’t take a few days or even a few weeks to be sent.  Seconds is all it really takes.  It seems the longest part of a message is the actual writing.  There is Facebook, text messaging, email. and all these other sources for instant messaging.  It feels as if the true form of writing will die in the future.

I plan to be a pharmacist or doctor when I grow up, which requires minimal writing.  The only kind of writing I can see in my future is perscriptions.  However, writing could become crucial for me if I plan to do my own research, which I would try to get published.  For that to become a reality, I would have to assemble a science research paper.  However, what I don’t appreciate about science papers, is there is no room for thought.  Research papers are dry and boring.  They hold no meat.  They are just facts and words.  What I love most about writing is the allowance of freedom and my imagination to run free.  Writing will something I can do in my past time.  Whether I’m sitting in a coffee shop or writing before bed, writing will become a private and personal downtime for me.

Too much of the time, writing seems to be on display for the public.  As I have said, that is not my intentions for my writing.  The closest to public writing for me would be a blog.  Other than that, my thoughts stay where they are meant to be, and that tis to myself.  I don’t mean to sound exclusive or rude, however, there are mysteries about myself that will take some time to be revealed and only those dearest to me will know.

3 thoughts on “Writings of the Old and Fashioned

  1. That makes sense, a lot of writing is personal and not to be shared. Writing is a very personal thing. Some of the best writing is personal, not shared. It’s not rude to say that, its your own opinion and choice of what to do with your writing.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I totally agree with your statement that over the next few years, technology will soon take over actual writing. Quite sad if you think about it. I also appreciate your honesty in your saying that you could not really see yourself writing in the future. However, if you decide to do some further research and write about that, I would be more than fascinated to read it. Well done!


  3. Good blog! Isn’t it crazy how the longest part of sending a message now a days is writing it? I have never really thought of that before. I think it is very interesting that your want to keep a personal journal because I feel like just like writing letters, journal or diary keeping is also become less common.


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